Saturday, October 18, 2008

Catch up!

It's been almost a month since I've updated the blog -- it's incredible how the weeks pass by.

Jasper now has two sharp teeth in his lower front jaw. It's hard to get a glimpse of them but you can feel them when he gnaws on an earlobe or nose, two of his favorite parts of my face to chew on. He's been a big eater and is now enjoying rice and oat cereal twice a day as well as peas and beans. We will probably try an avocado this weekend. He is doing really well eating food off the spoon; more of it stays in his mouth, anyway.

Yesterday we went swimming for the second time at a local indoor pool. I am amazed how comfortable he is in the water. He goes in up to his neck and kicks his legs the whole time. I hold him in different positions in the water while we chase down a little yellow duck. We'll be able to start swim lessons as soon as he is six months old next week.

Jasper is talking a lot these days. He is making more hard sounds like 'da' and 'ba' repeatedly. Sometimes I hear little phrases in his mutterings, which I guess could say something about either one of us. The video I've included of him speaking is a month old and doesn't show some of his more recent turns of tongue, but it will give you the general idea.

One of the more impressive things he's been doing for the last week is using a low coffee table we have in the living room to support himself while he stands and plays with a coaster or Ruby's collar. He has gotten a lot better at maintaining his balance this way. He can also sit without being propped up in any way now and only topples over infrequently.

Ruby is still the object of constant study. Jasper lets out a squawk or chuckle when she comes into sight and if he is near enough he'll reach out and stroke her or lean against her and drool on her neck. She seems to be taking it pretty well.

We still go for a lot of walks. He can now fit comfortably in a back-pack carrier and he seems to like that a lot. We went for a little hike in Forest Park across the river last week. I use it in the house, too, as he keeps happy and I can do stuff.

Today Jasper and Samara are going to meet up with a friend for a little while and I'm going to hopfest, an offering of local beers brewed up with fresh hops.


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