Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008


The big news is that Jasper has got his crawl on. He's been working on the moves for a month or so, but he has finally put all those movements together and can now propel himself forward. He goes after his toys. He follows us around the kitchen. For two mornings now, he has crawled across the living room, into the hall where he's paused, whimpering, until he gets a better bearing on Samara, at which time he continues on his way to find her and get some breakfast. It's exciting to watch him set his own course and investigate rooms; of course he is intrigued by electrical cords and outlets.

We got an inch of snow today. It is cold and is to remain so for the remainder of the week, so Jasper will have more time to work on making snowballs. He's been spending a lot of time in a bulky red snow suit passed down from the cousins in Spokane.

Last weekend we headed out toward Newburg to attend a holiday party with lots of kids. While we were out there we chose and cut down a Christmas tree. The next day, Samara and I strung lights and hung ornaments. It's the first tree we've ever had together.

Jasper's been babbling a lot but making some new sounds. He brings his voice down to a whisper and growls in a way that reminds me of a voice from the Shining or The Omen. Of course we think everything he does is adorable and we would probably still think so even if he were to attack us in our sleep while making those eery sounds. We support him in becoming whoever he is.