Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jasper has been agonizing over a lower front tooth which seems to have poked through his gum, although it is hard to get a good look to confirm this as he keeps it well hidden with his tongue and a generous helping of saliva. It is a sharp little point.

Otherwise, we continue to take long walks every day while he have warm sunny weather. He's been riding in his 'Bob', an all terrain stroller. He's very content taking in all the sights along the way.

He has also been enjoying his high chair, which gives him the opportunity to hang out at the table and eye our food enviously while we eat. He is getting very good at eating rice cereal; he leans over his bowl with his hands firmly planted on either side and opens his mouth wide to take a bite. He is wearing less and swallowing a little more every day. We are excited to start him on vegetables, but that is still a couple of weeks away.

We're all excited to welcome Jasper's new second cousin, Charlie to the world, who was born late on the 15th. It will be fun to have a cousin so close in age nearby! Good going Tara and Eric and Congratulations!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mom returns to work

This is Jasper and my first week together now that Samara has returned to work. I think the transition was harder on Samara than either of us; she misses her baby boy. She showed tremendous strength this week while readjusting to the cold Darwinian world of the corporate librarian, after having spent the last four months nurturing her child.

I've been enjoying my time with Jasper immensely. I am becoming more aware of the subtleties of his personality and how to keep him engaged and content as we move through the day together. I am now comfortable with his feeding and napping routine. In between, we take walks with Ruby, play with one of his toys on a blanket in the house or yard, sit on the grass so he can pull at it like clumps of hair, or just walk around making sounds and looking at things. One of his favorite things to look at is a small glass lamp, and he will often smile when he sees it. He also loves his bouncy saucer, the kind with things he can turn, tumble or squeak arranged around it.
